About Us

Welcome to the heart of our Global Women Power’s commitment to celebrate and amplify the stories of remarkable women – ‘Meet Our Sheroes.’ This empowering initiative is a testament to our dedication to uplift, inspire, and showcase the incredible achievements of women from diverse backgrounds.

In a world where stories shape perceptions and inspire change, ‘Meet Our Sheroes’ is a platform designed to shed light on the extraordinary journeys of successful women who have defied expectations and broken barriers. We believe that behind every success is a unique story waiting to be shared, and through this initiative, we aim to create a space where these narratives can resonate and empower.

Our Mission

Global Women Power, the driving force behind the ‘Meet Our Sheroes’ initiative, embodies the spirit of Empower. Connect. Inspire.

Our mission is clear: to empower women worldwide by fostering a platform that connects them, inspires growth, and breaks barriers. We are dedicated to celebrating the richness of diversity and creating opportunities that propel women to new heights.

“Through our initiative ‘Meet Our Sheroes,’ we proudly present episodes where we interview successful women from various fields, providing them with a platform to share their stories. Our mission extends beyond the interviews – we aim to inspire women worldwide by showcasing the achievements, journeys, and insights of these remarkable individuals.

Our Story

Founded in 2015, Global Women Power began with a simple yet powerful idea: to highlight the achievements of extraordinary women and amplify their voices. Evolving over the years, we have become a dynamic community dedicated to uplifting women from all walks of life.

Driven by the ideology passionately embraced by our founder, Dr. Alka Chopra Madan, Global Women Power embarks on an empowering journey, recognizing that women, entrenched in specific circumstances, may often overlook the possibility of change. Armed with the knowledge that change is not only possible but necessary, women can actively pursue transformations in their life conditions.

Our 'Meet Our Sheroes' series brings forth interviews with women who have excelled in various fields – from entrepreneurship and technology to arts, sciences, and beyond. Each episode unfolds a personal and professional journey, exploring the challenges faced, lessons learned, and victories achieved. These conversations go beyond the surface, delving into the heart of what it means to be a woman navigating the complexities of modern life.

We Stand For

  • Empowerment: At Global Women Power’s “Meet Our Sheroes,” we passionately believe in going beyond rhetoric by providing tools, comprehensive resources, and steadfast support to enable women not only dream but also achieve their full potential. Our dedication to empowerment is based on tangible tactics that ensure every woman has the strength and resources she needs to follow her individual path to success.
  • Connection: In the idea of establishing a worldwide sisterhood, “Meet Our Sheroes” is more than just a platform; it’s a thriving network where women from various backgrounds can interact, collaborate, and share their invaluable experiences. We acknowledge the potential of relationships to move women forward, break down barriers, and form a collective force that transcends geographical bounds. Here, the ties made serve as the threads that weave a tapestry of shared victories and support.
  • Inspiration: “Meet Our Sheroes” is more than a series; it’s a source of inspiration, paving the road for the next generation of female leaders. We try to instill inspiration through engaging events, inspiring success stories, and the shared adventures of great women. Our mission is to create an environment where every woman, regardless of background or circumstances, can find inspiration to overcome obstacles, tear down barriers, and confidently pursue her leadership potential.

Get In Touch With Us

Have questions or want to know more about our organization? Visit our Contact Page to get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for being a part of the Global Women Power movement. Together, let’s create a world where every woman can thrive!